Thursday, August 3, 2017

Earn Money on Fiverr

How Fiverr Works

Fiverr® is the world’s largest marketplace for digital services. A service offered on Fiverr is called a Gig®. While many Gigs start at $5, sellers have the option to choose their starting price point. Sellers can even offer multiple prices ranges by using Gig Packages. With Gig Packages, they can offer buyers’ different service packages for different prices.

Signing Up
Signing up to Fiverr is free and can be done here. Only registered users can buy and sell on Fiverr.

Are you looking to buy?
You can find the services you need by browsing the Fiverr catalog in different categories, or by using the search to find a specific service or seller. Once you find a Gig you like, click it for more information, such as a description of the service, portfolio or samples of work, and the prices. When you feel you’ve found what you need, simply proceed with placing your order.  
Note: All purchases are subject to a processing fee, $1 on purchases up to and including $20 and 5% on purchases above $20.
Are you looking to sell?
Almost anyone can find something to sell on Fiverr. Browse our categories and look at how other sellers offer their services, find where your skills can fit in, and then decide what's the best way for you to sell.
The best sellers don’t leave room for misunderstandings.
  • Make sure your seller profile is complete.
  • Make sure your Gigs are well written and accurately describe the services your provide.
  • Make sure your work samples accurately show your skills.
If your buyers’ expectations are met or exceeded, you’ll get good rating and more business.
Buyers who purchase your Gig pay Fiverr in advance. When your order is successfully delivered and completed, you will receive 80% of the total order value. For example, if you price your service at $10, you will receive $8 for a completed order. For more information, see our Terms of Service.
Tip: You can boost your income by offering your customers extra services during the order process. Please don’t harass your buyers; try to understand what their needs are and how your skills can help them achieve their goals.
Learn More
Find out how to buy and sell at Fiverr, learn tips on how to find the right seller or how to maximize your business potential, and much more:
  • Fiverr Help Center: (You are here!) This contains "how to" articles, which are step-by-step procedures on how to "technically" do something on Fiverr. For example, "How to Create a Gig".
  • Fiverr Academy: Learn info about making sales, meeting deadlines, and other tips for building and growing your Fiverr business.
  • Fiverr Forum: This is where you can connect with other members of the Fiverr community to chat, share stories, tips, and advice.
  • Fiverr Blog: This is where you can subscribe to our blog to get news, stories, and tips directly to your inbox.
  • Fiverr Store: Here you can check out the Fiverr store to get T-shirts, mugs, and other Fiverr swag.
Go to my GIG
 Click Here

Monday, November 15, 2010

6 Tips For Driving More Traffic From StumbleUpon

StumbleUpon, facebook, twitter, digg and Mixx (Someone like Yahoo! Buzz) are the top 5 social media sites which do most helpful to your online business. For me, these 5 sites always drive lots of traffics and profits.
Post OptionsundefinedFor facebook and digg marketing, we have wrote something before, however, StumbleUpon marketing is the first time. In order to get as most as traffic as you wish, you need follow some StumbleUpon tips.
- Make friends, join groups and the communities. For the site default setting, make friends on StumbleUpon is much more difficult than any other social networking such as twitter or facebook. However, you can post reviews, customize your profile and subscribe to other stumblers’ links so that get more subscribes.
- Share. Send your favorite links to your friends via mail or other ways. I personally recommend not send your own links directly. You can suggest a great site/link while drop a link to your own sites.
- Use the toolbar and stay active. You must let the readers’ know you are an active member so to get more hits from stumbleUpon.
- Content is king. Be sure to create original, unique and intriguing stories. Concept websites are best, because they offer an intriguing concept in an engaging fashion that captures user’s attention right away.
- Always stumble interesting story pages with relevant tags, not only the homepage. No stumblers like to look for interesting content when they are stumbling, they want it to be given. You’d be avoided trick them stumblers by sending them something they are not interested in. Use tags to relevant your stories.
- Stay white hat. Black-hat ways or automatic tools may gives you more traffic short-time, however, in the long run just stay away from it or you will be got banned.
All the 6 tips above are all from my personal experience, if you have any other ideas for driving traffic from stumbleUpon, feel free to leave a comment.

How to Make $60,000 a Year with Amazon

hris Guthrie just shared his experience on how to make $60,000 a year with Amazon, it’s really worth a reading. Here it is:
Best Tactics to Make Money
1. Use in content linking as users are more likely to click links from within your blog posts or web pages (just simple HTML) than banner ads etc. – 45% of my earnings this way
2. Write bestseller list posts (i.e. Bestselling LaserJet Printers) – 15% of my earnings this way
3. Make any/all images clickable affiliate links to the Amazon product. I’m surprised how many people will get point #1 right but not make the image a clickable affiliate link. – 13.8% of earnings this way
4. Use buy now buttons in the content – 5% of my earnings
5. Focus heavily on shopping periods. HEAVILY. People want to be told about the best deals and if you take the time to write a great list pertaining to your niche people are grateful not annoyed by your consistent deal content during these times of the year. I also send out numerous emails via my newsletters on all the various websites during Black Friday / Cyber Monday – again people like getting this information so hit your lists hard.
amazon earnings
Worst Tactics to Make Money
1. Don’t bother using Amazon’s banner ads. They convert poorly. People rarely click them in almost every niche I’ve tried and you could use that space to sell direct ad space or *gasp* simply display nothing.
2. Don’t bother with Amazon stores – they convert terribly. If you can even get a visitor to click a store link congrats. If you get them to actually buy something congrats again you got lucky.
3. Don’t promote products that aren’t related to your niche (should be obvious, but again I still see this when I’m roaming the web).
4. Don’t use Amazon Associates if it doesn’t fit with the type of visitor coming to your website (i.e. are they just looking for general information? If so Adsense will probably work better. Or are they looking to buy something? Amazon will work better)
These are tips I confirmed based on data gathered over the course of the year with the help of tons of tracking codes and I genuinely believe it should help you refocus your efforts into the areas that matter or to abandon Amazon Associates if it doesn’t fit your visitor profile.
Important: Remember the tracking cookie lasts only 24 hours. Target potential buyers not lookers.
Feel free to post your questions or comments. No I won’t post sample URL’s of the websites I run for obvious reasons. Just do keyword research, build a good website, link build and rinse repeat.

Monday, September 27, 2010

How to Make Residual Income Online


1 We've all heard about people making money online, off internet for years. You may be asking yourself the question. What do they know that I don't? What's there secret? Well the good news is people are generating money off the internet at an alarming rate. This is a growing trend worldwide for online entrepreneurs, not just a pipe dream! How do I know this? I'm one of these people that has learned how to make money on the internet. I generate a nice 2nd income online. I'm gonna share with you some tips on what works, and what just don't, to make money on the internet! Let's get started.
2 I'm gonna start off with my experiences on survey sites. Do they work? Well the answer to that question is yes, and no. The reason I say this is, a lot of times you won't qualify for there surveys to make money online. You will either be too old for there study, too young, or just don't qualify for whatever reason! Some you will qualify for, but speaking from my personal experience. - the one's you don't qualify for outweigh the ones you do qualify for. Can you make a few bucks? Sure, but don't count on making any big money on the internet from just doing surveys alone. There are better ways to make money online. But if you like taking surveys just for fun, and want to make a few extra bucks. Feel free to keep surveys in your back pocket.
3 Ways to make money on internet. Anyone ever heard of chacha? They are getting pretty big online, what you do is you sign up to be a chacha guide. And they basically pay you .10 for every question you answer. That's the going rate last time I checked for a beginning guide. Here's how it works a customer will type in a question. For example: Who's the president of the United States, they instantly route your question to the most knowledgeable person on that topic in there Guide community. Your answer is then returned to your phone as a text message usually within a few minutes, depending on how hard the question is. You being the online guide will answer that question. After you successfully answer that question .10 will be added to your chacha account. Then you move on to your next question. Can you make money on internet doing this? Yes, but you will realistically only make about $5.00 an hour. well below the minimum wage. But if your struggling, and enjoy answering online questions, and maybe you need to make a few extra dollars. Then chacha might be right for you! But there are better ways to make money off the internet.
4 Google adsense - here's a couple of good websites on the internet that let you link your articles to a Google adsense account. Hubpages, and How it works? You sign up with your own Google adsense account. Every article you publish online through Hubpages, or Ehow, will have paid sponsored ads on them. They are related to whatever your article is about. When someone clicks on those sponsored ads, that happen to be reading your article. You get paid like .20 for example. The downfall is you need a lot of traffic to make a considerable amount of money doing this. So try to get your articles to rank high in the search engines. Is this the best way to make money on the internet? Prob not, but it is a nice way to make a few extra bucks online. Use this as one of many tools in your arsenal, to make money at home off the internet.
5 Affiliate marketing - This is by far the most honest, legitimate way, to make great money on the internet. I know this from personal experience, and is the main source for me for making money on the internet. Here's the definition of affiliate marketing, for those of you who are not familiar with it. Affiliate marketing is where a company will pay a commission on any sales or registrations that are generated from another company promoting their products for them. Clickbank is my favorite affiliate program to make money through. Why? There commissions are very high you can earn anywhere from $10 up to a couple hundred dollars. This depends on what products you choose to promote. Affiliate marketing worldwide, is a multi-Billion dollar industry. This venue is how I personally make my main chunk of money on the internet. You can really make a lot of money, once you start getting good at it!
6 Another good way to make money off the powers of the internet would be to start your own website. Use or create your own blog or website, to make money online off the internet. The key to making a substantial amount of money off of your own blog, or website, is to bring as much traffic to that website as you possibly can, and when your online visitors click on your ads or your affiliate links. And one of those visitors purchases something off of your blog, or website through your affiliate link, you get a commission. The main key for making great money through a website is traffic. Traffic = equals sales = equals money! The more traffic you have, the more money you will inevitably make off the internet.
7 Here's some free ways to make money online, using the powers of free affiliate marketing techniques. Post free classified ads examples are Craigslist, Kijiji, and USfreeads. Tip: Earn more money online - choose a great title for your classified ads very important! Think highly searched, and low competition. You can use the free Google adwords tool to research some great keywords.
8 Post in forums online - Make sure to add your signature link promoting whatever affiliate products you choose. Some good ones are website babble,warrior forum, conquer your niche, there are many others these are just a few of my favorites.
9 Write articles - This is in my opinion the best free way to produce very targeted traffic to your website, or affiliate links. Benefits of writing quality articles are backlinks to your website, which will increase your Google pagerank in time. Giving you higher rankings in the search engines. Your online traffic will continue to go up, the more quality articles you write. Remember more traffic as a rule equals more money you can potentially earn on the internet. So keep writing those articles. Some good ones are Ezine articles, Hubpages, Ehow, and Idea marketers.
10 Once your website is established, and getting some decent traffic. This is a great tip, to take your online internet earnings to the next level. Email marketing and building up a quality opt-in email list is a very effective way to build up a substantial amount of money from home. That's how many of the Internet Millionaires get rich! By simply by building up a huge list of laser targeted opt-in subscribers to there email lists, and sending them all an email at once advertising whatever product they are trying to promote or sell.They can literally make thousands of dollars, at the click of a button! So if you have your own website, or you are an existing affiliate marketer! If you want to play with the big boys, and make the big money. you'd be literally missing out on a lot of money, if you decided not to start your own email list! I hope i opened up some peoples eyes out there that there are legitimate ways online off the internet to make money. My advice to anyone reading this article would be, the sooner you get started the more money you can make. So get to work!

How to Earn instant money onlie

Yes, what you have read is true! The most prevailing trend on the web today is earning money through FACEBOOK APPLICATIONS. Surprised? You must be wondering how a facebook application can make you earn thousands of dollars. Just read through this article and you will get to know how easy it is to earn money just by creating simple catchy Facebook applications.
What are Facebook Applications: Simply defined, Facebook applications are small software programs or components which are easily addable to a user’s Facebook profile. In just a couple of years, Facebook applications have attained enormous level of popularity due to the simplicity of its creation and the high level profitability it brings.
How do we earn from Facebook applications: You can earn directly or indirectly through a Facebook Application. Direct way to earn:
1. Creating an application

2. Using an application and Passive way to earn: Creating an application with your website's advertisement in it (a good example is Five Factor Model to Know Thyself. You would be surprised to know that the owner created this Application himself! He put an advertisement of in it and is getting international visitors visiting his site through the application everyday, making him some amount of money everyday!).

Okay lets get back to direct ways of earning: Earning money from Facebook application development is easier than you think. Just a couple of smart moves could get you to the acme of success and allow you to earn millions of dollars in a month. The core secret of this game is to develop Facebook applications that are catchy and user-friendly. The more people use your applications or the more users your application will have the more money it can generate. It is important for Facebook application development to detect users’ needs. Some widely used Facebook applications today are Funwall, Top Friends and Superwall. The reason why they are so widely used is simple; because they are need-targeted and people use them for doing a lot of other stuff.
For example, there's a relatively new Facebook application called 'Cash Cliques' and it takes less than 5 minutes per day to make some cash. For every ad you click on, you get paid. As well as that, you get paid when friends you referred click on ads! If you're lucky enough there are also random cash prizes to win. In the Facebook Cash Clique application there is a potential revenue calculator. For example, if you click on 10 ads per day and refer 30 people during the first month and they click on 10 ads per day, then the revenue calculator will tell you that you should earn 93 USD after the first month. So simply, more friends, means more money!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

13 Ways to Earn Money Fast

Everybody needs a quick infusion of cash from time to time. These ideas bring in money fast, and many can also be done at flexible times, so it's easier to arrange child care with a friend or family member for free.
1. Have a garage sale. By using a few easy tricks, like posting fliers at grocery stores and Laundromats, making signs that can be seen from nearby busy streets and displaying your items in a department-store style, you can increase the amount your sale brings in. Find out how to earn more with Garage Sale 101 tips.
2. Sell on eBay. Books, CDs, unused sports or exercise equipment, clothing, novelty items -- people buy all kinds of things. Even if you're selling several small items, the money can add up. Just make sure the buyer, not you, pays the cost of shipping. Read more:,,p3rh,00.html#ixzz0Uw6vjzQ9
3. Put clothes on consignment. This is an especially good way to get rid of clothing like fancy dresses (think old prom gowns and cocktail dresses you'll never wear again), but anything in good condition can be put on consignment. You share the money from the sale with the consignment shop, but it's an easy way to squeeze some money out of clothes that would otherwise just take up closet space.
4. Perform household services. You can earn some money informally by letting friends, family, church members and others in your community know that you're available to clean their houses or apartments, or to take in ironing. If you find you have a knack and stamina for cleaning quickly and thoroughly, you can turn this into a regular, reliable way to earn extra money every month.
5. Have a bake sale. Do you make killera chocolate chip cookies? chocolate chip cookies? Are yummy breakfast burritos your specialty? If so, why not bring in your items once a week to your job and sell them to coworkers and other businesspeople in the vicinity? If you don't have a job, what about a friend's workplace, a community center or a nursing home? Put the word out beforehand and gauge the response as you go, so you don't end up with a lot of leftover food. By talking up your home-baked goodies and arriving at the same time every day or every week, you may find that people start to anticipate your arrival. You can start a cottage industry along the lines of Mary's Monday Cookie Break when you come around to hawk your wares.
6. Sell homegrown fruits and vegetables. You don't have to have a farm to produce delicious, organic produce. By presenting your goods in an appealing way (save the plastic or cardboard produce containers from the grocery store and tie them with a distinctive ribbon or desktop-printed label), you give them niche appeal, and you can sell them much the same way as baked items, listed above.Read more:,,p3rh,00.html#ixzz0Uw75niPz
7. Have a family car wash. Enlist your spouse, your kids and their friends on a Saturday to hold a car wash. Talk to local merchants who have parking lots and ask them to donate the space, or set up an assembly line on your street. By naming the event ("The Annual Jones Family Car Wash") and highlighting an upbeat family goal ("We use this car wash to pay for the kids' extracurricular school activities"), you give people a reason to join your cause.
8. Do gardening services. Mowing lawns is a perennial summer job for kids. If you have a mower, encourage your children to launch a business—or do it yourself. In addition, you can also weed or haul gardening rubbish to the dump (often garbage services won't remove it).
9. Provide man-with-van services. Or, in this case, woman with van (or truck). This service is great for people who need to move a single piece of furniture or for young people who don't have a lot of stuff. If you're able to do moves on your own or with a helper like a friend or spouse, you can position yourself as a mother's helper (a woman living alone might feel more comfortable having another woman moving something into or out of her home). If you don't have a lot of physical strength, your husband and a cousin, uncle or son can do the heavy lifting and you can take care of scheduling and follow-up. A small classified ad in the local paper is an economical way to advertise.
10. Get a paper route. While we often think of paper delivery as a job for a boy on a bike, all kinds of people pick up extra cash this way. Because papers are delivered in the morning, it's possible to complete a route before the regular workday starts, or before your kids are up. (Just make sure you catch up on your sleep by going to bed early at night!) Read more:,,p3rh-2,00.html#ixzz0Uw8MC6N5
11. Have a family car wash. Enlist your spouse, your kids and their friends on a Saturday to hold a car wash. Talk to local merchants who have parking lots and ask them to donate the space, or set up an assembly line on your street. By naming the event ("The Annual Jones Family Car Wash") and highlighting an upbeat family goal ("We use this car wash to pay for the kids' extracurricular school activities"), you give people a reason to join your cause. 8. Do gardening services. Mowing lawns is a perennial summer job for kids. If you have a mower, encourage your children to launch a business—or do it yourself. In addition, you can also weed or haul gardening rubbish to the dump (often garbage services won't remove it). 9. Provide man-with-van services. Or, in this case, woman with van (or truck). This service is great for people who need to move a single piece of furniture or for young people who don't have a lot of stuff. If you're able to do moves on your own or with a helper like a friend or spouse, you can position yourself as a mother's helper (a woman living alone might feel more comfortable having another woman moving something into or out of her home). If you don't have a lot of physical strength, your husband and a cousin, uncle or son can do the heavy lifting and you can take care of scheduling and follow-up. A small classified ad in the local paper is an economical way to advertise. 10. Get a paper route. While we often think of paper delivery as a job for a boy on a bike, all kinds of people pick up extra cash this way. Because papers are delivered in the morning, it's possible to complete a route before the regular workday starts, or before your kids are up. (Just make sure you catch up on your sleep by going to bed early at night!) Read more:,,p3rh-2,00.html#ixzz0Uw8MC6N5
12. Babysit. To provide regular child care in your home, you'll often need to be accredited and registered with the state. But occasional babysitting in your home or someone else's is more straightforward. You might already babysit for friends for free, but by reaching out in your community you can find parents whom you would feel comfortable charging a reasonable fee -- such as those belonging to common churches, PTAs or playgroups. Depending on your schedule, you can position yourself as a last-minute resource, a Saturday sitter while Mom does errands, a date-night sitter and so on. Read more:,,p3rh-3,00.html#ixzz0Uw9PSEMr
13. Rent out a room. This option might take longer than some of the others listed here, but it can provide steady income for a set period of time, or even indefinitely. It might require that your kids share a bedroom or that you give up a family room in the house, so everyone in the family should be prepared for the changes. And of course care should be taken to pick carefully to ensure you get a trustworthy boarder. This is an especially good option if you live near a university or technical college. Eighteen- to 22-year-olds will more likely be fine renting a room with kitchen privileges than older people, and you'll be able to rent on a semester basis. Read more:,,p3rh-3,00.html#ixzz0Uw9XOuKH

Earn Money on Fiverr

rhossain07 Fiverr Seller Hi! I am a professional graphics designer with a good team & we have 5 years of ...